viernes, 9 de agosto de 2013


At the end of this cycle, students are expected to:

-       Identify the main idea and some details from a variety of short oral and written texts, using their knowledge of the word.

-       Understand and use information from different textual sources.

-       Produce shorts, conventional texts that respond to personal, creative, social, and academic purposes.

-       Adapt their language to unexpected communicative needs.

-       Recognize and respect differences between their own culture and the culture of English-speaking countries.

-       Express some judgments and opinions about issues that are interesting to them or resemble their everyday reality.

-       Use appropriate registers in a variety of communicative situations.

-       Master linguistic resources to understand the relationship between the parts of a statement or text.

-       Edit their own or their classmates ‘writings.

-       Use grammar, spelling, and punctuation conventions.

-       Participate in formal communicative situations.

-       Keep communication flowing, identify breakdowns and use strategic resources to repair it when necessary.

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